Workshop 4: Bring it to Life

It’s time to get crafty! Workshop 4 is about bringing to your goals to life visually. Barbara shares tips on how to create a meaningful vision board.  Follow along in your journal (page 11). 

Living ROI Transcript: Workshop 4 – Bring it to life

Welcome back to the Living ROI Workshop Series.

Today we’re creating your vision board – bringing your goals, and our goals to life visually. It’s a powerful practice. Let’s get started – your life is waiting!

Having your goals in a visual format and placed somewhere where you can see them regularly helps bring them to life. And even just the process of representing your goals in pictures, helps make them a reality.

You’ll want to set aside some uninterrupted time to create your vision board, even just an hour at a time. I recommend really trying to get it done within two sessions, if not one, to keep the momentum going.

Now for the supplies – this is really straight forward. We’ve listed them out for you here.

You can use images you find online as well as images you find in magazines, and even copies of your own photos. There are so many ways to do this, but again, like everything else, the important thing is to actually get it done. So don’t make it too complicated. And don’t try to make it “perfect.”

You can use a big board, or a smaller board, or a really big board which mine is on. Whatever inspires you.

All of the work you do on your vision board will be based on the goals that you’ve come up with for the year. So, for instance, if wellbeing is your first goal, which wouldn’t be a bad idea, think about what that means to you. Is it eating well, Is it yoga, exercise, Sleep? What are the actions that you identified for those goals? Then you can go online and search for those images. It’s really amazing how precise you can get looking for images online.

On my vision board for 2017, I’ve put three images and a quote around wellness.

And you can see, I’ve also added key words to make it easier to read. You can lay out your board any way you want. I usually have sections for my different priorities. Top left is my health and the center is my family. But follow whatever seems intuitive for you.

In terms of actually putting the board together, you can lay it out first, and use nice paper as background if you’d like. Then, I personally tape it down using scotch tape, instead of gluing it because I find it lays better and looks good.

Some people do their entire board on the computer. Of course, do the vision board in whatever way work best for you. The vision board is for you. To inspire you towards achieving you own goals.

Once you’ve created your board, you should put it in a place where you can see it regularly, to remind you of your goals. I take a picture of my physical board and actually use it as the backdrop on my computer. I also print out a copy of the board from that picture and have it at work. If you are creating a digital board, I think it is a good idea to print that out so you can hang it up at places where you can see it easily when you are not on your computer.

(Testimonial from Jennifer)
The best part about my vision board was putting it up. It is a great reminder of all my goals. I have it in a spot that I pass by frequently, and I’ll stop and I’ll look at it and ground myself be seeing the pictures, reading the quotes.

(Testimonial from Jo)
The vison board is a really important reminder of what my priorities are. It’s a very good visual. Sometimes I feel like I want to please everyone else, and I get blown in the wind. So having that reminder of my priorities and what I need to focus on, on a daily and weekly basis is very important to me.

Keep in mind, you can create a new vision board whenever you feel inspired. Maybe it’s in 6 months. I recommend at least once a year. You can also create a vision board for specific areas of your life – I’ve done a vision board for work with my team, and with my family. We make a party of it on New Year’s Eve by inviting friends over and working together on our vision boards.

I’ve helped hundreds of people create vision boards over the years and I know what a valuable exercise this is when it comes to realizing your best life. Be creative, and most important, have fun!

In the next video I’ll be talking about the person you need and want to become to achieve your goals, and the habits that can bring them to life. See you there!

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