I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives.
Dear Friends,
When the student is ready…the teacher will appear.
I was reminded of this saying when I found myself in the office of Dr. Suhas, an Ayurvedic doctor I came across somewhat by accident. As it turns out, he has written several books and works closely with Deepak Chopra.
I met Dr. Suhas just two days before my tumor ruptured. At the time I thought it was a fibroid, and I certainly wasn’t expecting to be in surgery within a week.
My meeting with Dr. Suhas made the journey so much smoother. He said, “Regardless of what it is, it needs to come out. Even if it is benign now, it could turn into something dangerous.”
I was surprised that a holistic doctor was recommending surgery. He said he didn’t often, but in this case, given my pulse and other assessments, he believed it was the only solution.
So when two doctors told me just a few days later that I needed to have an operation, I didn’t doubt it for a moment.
Here I am, nine weeks later, smack in the middle of a seven-day Panchakarma cleanse. It is the ultimate in mind-body healing in Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient Indian form of natural health care. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I’m glad I’m doing it. Warning, this cleanse is not for the faint of heart.
Each day I have three treatments that include massage, lots of oil, other detox modalities as well as a consultation with the doctor about my physical, emotional and spiritual wellness.
I lived in India for several months with my family back in 2008. We were based in Bangalore and my goal was to learn more about business in the emerging BRIC country.
The Smiths in Bangalore, India – 2008
My daughters both attended school in Bangalore for a semester. The experience was profound for each of us. I was introduced to Ayurvedic medicine at that time and came to appreciate the ancient wisdom of India on many levels.
As I get older, I am less focused on achieving a specific goal as I am in paying attention to what path is opening up for me. I could not have predicted the last few months of my life, and I sense I am in for more revelations.
As a door opens, I am walking through it. When a door closes, I am grateful to know my destiny is elsewhere. I’m trusting my intuition and making my holistic wellness a priority.
When I told Dr. Suhas that my consultation with him had helped the process of my medical emergency, he said, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Amen.
I am reminded to keep my eyes open for all the teachers that come into my life. Often, they are right in front of us.
Wishing you ease in your life and health! May we realize our teachers and see the open doors!
Barbara Fagan-Smith
CEO, ROI Communication
Chief Catalyst, Living ROI