Your Regular Dose of Soul
I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives. In these blog posts I share my own personal journey in work and life.
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When I Decided to Leave Journalism – September 23, 2018
As I took my first walk into the makeshift refugee camp, I was immediately surrounded by dozens of people, begging me to help them. One woman grabbed my leg and said, “Please help us! We are Christian.” It did not matter what religion they were. I wanted to help them all. And I couldn’t. Not only because our supplies were scant, and the Turkish military refused to allow any of the refugees into Turkey, but also because of the code of journalism. I wasn’t supposed to cross the line and interfere with the news—just report it.
Make A Study Of Your Life – September 16, 2018
The concept of reflection is apropos right now as I’m enroute with my family to drop off our youngest daughter at college in Washington State. It’s exciting but also stressful and sad. Life moves so quickly. So much happens in a week, much less a month or a year! How can we capture those experiences and lessons and not just let them drift by? I’m a big believer in reflecting back on life regularly, to absorb the lessons and the memories.
Be Bold – September 9, 2018
When I was in fourth grade, my teacher, Miss Wilson, didn’t like me. I was too bold, too big, too confident. When I said I wanted to be President of the United States she told me, “There will never be a woman President in your lifetime.” I hope she is proved wrong on that count.