Your Regular Dose of Soul
I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives. In these blog posts I share my own personal journey in work and life.
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Sabbatical – August 4, 2019
Last week I got a message in my bones that I need to take more time off. It was uncannily clear. I waited several days before sharing the plan with my team. I wanted to make sure it was the right direction, and that I had thought it through.
When the Student is Ready… – July 28, 2019
When the student is ready...the teacher will appear.
I was reminded of this saying when I found myself in the office of Dr. Suhas, an Ayurvedic doctor I came across somewhat by accident. As it turns out, he has written several books and works closely with Deepak Chopra.
Ohana Means Family – July 21, 2019
When my first child, Emerald, was born, I was in a new city with my new husband. Our closest relatives were hundreds of miles away. Our circle of friends was small. We both worked. Managing a newborn was harder than it needed to be—harder than it used to be.