Your Regular Dose of Soul
I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives. In these blog posts I share my own personal journey in work and life.
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Depression and Anger – May 24, 2020
I woke up at 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning and it occurred to e that the best thing I could do, considering all, was to die. As a planner and a strategist, I was about to figure out the best way to accomplish this when I realized that my thinking was desperately wrong.
Comfort: from Seinfeld to Poetry – May 17, 2020
I watched the new Netflix special, Jerry Seinfeld: 23 Hours to Kill, last week. It was recorded in front of a packed, live audience at the Beacon Theatre in New York City sometime in the last year. Watching a personality we've known for decades was a familiar and comforting respite.
Thank You for My Bigger Life – May 10, 2020
For those of you interested in my water-only fasting process, I’ll share an update on that first. If you missed my blog last week entitled "Healing," I went into lots of detail on water-only fasting. I’m doing this as a proactive health intervention.