I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives.
How time flies! I can’t believe summer is winding down and fall is nipping at our heels. It’s hard to tell what time of day it is through the eerie smoke of California, much less the season!
I am excited to resume this blog after my summer hiatus. It was definitely not a hiatus from work, but that is okay. As the title indicates, I have been laboring in earnest over what I consider one of the most important projects of my life. Yes, a seminal project, I hope, for the future of the workplace.
It’s called The Enlightened Workplace Project and I’ve been working on it for nine months. It has been gestating for years.
Some of you may know that one of my favorite personal strategic planning questions is: “Imagine you only have six months to live. You will be healthy during that time. What would you do, and with whom?”
I bring this question up, because for years I’ve said, “I certainly wouldn’t work.” But, when I asked myself the question a few months ago, I said, “I would continue to do this project, because it’s important and I want to share this content and philosophy with the world.”
That was a first. It gives you an idea of how important it is to me, and I haven’t even told you what it is yet! In short, The Enlightened Workplace Project is a seven-week online course for leaders and managers who want to create a more fulfilling, purpose-driven workplace for their teams and themselves. It is our goal to bring more humanity and care to the workplace. The delightful and persuasive upside of having a more thoughtful and compassionate workplace is that business results are demonstrably stronger.
When I have asked myself over the years what impact I’d like to have on the world, the answer has been clear: I want to improve the experience people have in the workplace so they are able to be healthy, show up for their families, participate in their communities and have the bandwidth to help solve the bigger problems in the world.
When people are in survival mode, either because they are working too hard and/or because they are not being treated well, they can’t show up for anyone, including themselves and much less their organizations. It’s a simple truth that is defied over and over again in the name of an outdated belief that pressure and stress produce results. That may win you a battle, but you will not win the war.
Civility, trust and open communication are foundational for true innovation and creativity. When people feel threatened, unsure or distrusted, their energy gets used up defending themselves. As I write this it just seems so darn obvious, but I am astounded at how it contrasts with the reality inside of many organizations.
Work can be seductive and consuming. Because there are clear goals, strategies and plans, it’s easy to sink the best of ourselves into work and leave the dregs for the rest of our life. That is certainly what I did for many years when my children were young. I missed a lot, and I’m sad about that. My personal experience prompted me to create Family ROI and Living ROI. When we get clear about our life goals, strategies and plans, we can balance out our energy expenditure and ensure we can sustain the best of life at work and at home for the long run.
As a business owner starting out 20 years ago, I knew it made sense to approach my team with care and trust. In the early years I sometimes second-guessed myself. “Why are so many organizations built on distrust and pressure? Am I missing something? Am I making a mistake? Will people take advantage of this approach?”
“No, no and no,” to the last three questions.
My heart is bursting with excitement about The Enlightened Workplace Project! I am hopeful it will provide a roadmap for changing organizational cultures in a positive way. I am proud of this work that has come to fruition with a fantastic team of 20 plus people who have helped with content, creative, video production and so much more.
Life today is strange and unsettled on so many levels: from the apocalyptic skies outside my window, the lingering reality of the pandemic, the impending election with all the fear and divisiveness to the ongoing reminders that life is not normal. I feel on the edge of my chair. Waiting for the next shoe to drop.
And at the same time, I am focused on this project. Clear and determined. Spurred on by my own self-imposed deadlines. Hopeful that humanity is resilient, and we will not only get through this time, but come out of it better than we were before.
I believe The Enlightened Workplace Project is part of that vision of being better in every way.
I know many people who have lost their homes to fire, have lost their jobs or have lost loved ones to the pandemic. Most people are suffering from the challenges of this time in one way or another. Out of this pain is the potential for evolution and transformation. When what we have known drops away, there is room for positive change. This is what I’m counting on.
After the last pandemic of 1918 and 1919 there was a period of dramatic social and political change and economic growth. It was called The Roaring Twenties! Let’s do it again after this pandemic!!
Wishing you all more focus and concentration to do the things in life that matter to you!
Barbara Fagan-Smith
CEO, ROI Communication
Chief Catalyst, Living ROI
P.S. We talk about the topic of focus, and much more, in The Enlightened Workplace Project online course that is launching this Friday! If you’re interested, register using the code: ROISPECIAL for a significant discount. Or, if you’d be willing to participate in a focus group, reach out to me, by replying this this email, and you can join the course for free.