I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives.
Dear Friends,
I’m snowed in on my own this weekend, and it’s glorious. Being in a warm and cozy home with the brilliant white outside. Even though it’s cloudy and snowing, the light reflecting off the snow is bright.
I tried to think of something else to write about, but the only thing on my mind is snow!
My husband, Colin, who lived in Chicago for many years, enjoys watching my evolution with snow. This is my first time having a home in the snow, and there is a lot of it right now!
We’ve had more than five feet in the last week, with several more feet coming over the next few days. I’ve used a snow thrower for the first time, I’ve shoveled and even swept the snow. It’s all novel and interesting right now. Colin assures me I will get over it.
Yesterday I cleared the outside decks and stairs, for the third time in a week. This morning I woke up to another foot of snow to clear, with more coming down as I write.
Snow absorbs sound, so that accounts for the breathtaking silence it brings. Being here, on my own, in front of a fire, in the quiet brilliant white landscape, is a peaceful meditation.
It’s a magical trance, inspiring me to just be, not do. No TV, no podcasts, just a little reading and mostly sitting and being.
White Noise
In all the world
There’s nothing like
The sound of falling snow—
The only noise
I’ve ever known
That makes the clocks move slow;
The only sound
That sweeps away
The din of city streets;
And wraps around,
In soft embrace,
‘Most everyone it meets;
A sound that’s not
A sound at all—
A quiet, soft and dear;
That comforts all
The sleepy souls
Who sit, and watch, and hear.
~ Barbara Vance
The colder weather indicates a time in nature when we should slow down, hibernate. Yet the holiday season often brings stress and overwhelm. I find I need to consciously remind myself to move more gently. Watching the snow is perfect for that! What helps you slow down?
Wishing you time to just be and enjoy the magic of life, wherever you find it,
Barbara Fagan-Smith
CEO, ROI Communication
Chief Catalyst, Living ROI
P.S. . If you’d like to watch snow falling, but aren’t in the snow, check out this video.