I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives.

Dear Friends,

The last couple of weeks I’ve been especially kind to myself, and it has felt great. I’ve let myself do what I really want to do and haven’t pushed myself to do what I think I should do, or what I think others think I should do. It’s easier said than done, but I’m getting better with practice!

For instance, my morning routine usually starts at 5:15 AM to get to the gym for a 6 AM class with my husband. When we get home, I meditate for 15 minutes, read something inspirational and then shower, dress, eat and get to work. I know I will go back to that routine, but after being sick, my body still wants to sleep in until 7 AM or even later. In the past I might have worried that I’m “off my routine” or “slacking.” Now, I realize I’m listening to my body and going with the flow.

The truth is, we worry way more than we need to. As I get older I can see that more clearly. I used to worry about getting everything on my list done. Now, sometimes I don’t even look at my list! I definitely used to worry about what other people thought of me. Now I know other people are mostly thinking about themselves. The people who really matter in my life will support what is right for me and are not judging me.

I live by the adage that if I’m taking care of myself, I’m in the best position to be of help in the world. I learned from a wise woman many years ago the concept, “What’s right for you is right for everyone.” It has been hard to digest sometimes. Really? It sounds almost too good to be true!

However, I have found it is almost always true. Most of the time, doing things out of a sense of obligation isn’t serving anyone. I ask myself before I say, “Yes” to anything, “Is this really what I want to do? Is it necessary? Is there another way I’d rather spend my time? If I don’t do it, what are the repercussions?”

Like the rest of life, this is not black or white, but it’s a great guideline. The more I follow my own desires and flow, the better life is for me and those around me! By saying “No,” I often open opportunities for other people. Surprising things happen when I tune in to my own compass and respect myself and my time. Importantly, it also sets a good example and gives others permission to do the same.

With permission,

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Barbara Fagan-Smith
CEO, ROI Communication
Chief Catalyst, Living ROI

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