I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives.

Dear Friends,

The concept of reflection is apropos right now as I’m enroute with my family to drop off our youngest daughter at college in Washington State. Our daughters, Marina and Emerald, are driving, and Colin and I are flying in our small plane.

It’s exciting but also stressful and sad. Each one of us is having our own emotional experience, and those experiences seem to be clashing a lot on this journey. Honestly, Colin is just trying to cope with the emotional vortex that my daughters and I are creating!

Life moves so quickly. So much happens in a week, much less a month or a year! How can we capture those experiences and lessons and not just let them drift by? I’m a big believer in reflecting back on life regularly, to absorb the lessons and the memories.

And from a practical standpoint, as I look back on my week each Sunday, I’m reminded of commitments I’ve made and action items that need to be done. It helps me recognize how much I have gotten done (much more than we remember off the top of our head).

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If you’d like to make a practice of reflecting back on your life regularly, it is built into the Weekly Guide for Soulful Living Journal which you can download for free.

Happy reflections!

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Barbara Fagan-Smith
CEO, ROI Communication
Chief Catalyst, Living ROI

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