I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives.
Dear Friends,
Do you have something or someone in your life that is zapping your energy? It may be a job that is unfinished around the house or at work, clutter (physical or digital), something that is broken, or a situation or person you’re dealing with at work or home.
It could also be not doing things that make you feel good such as exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, eating well, getting into nature, reading a book or spending time with people you love.
I ask myself two questions each New Year’s Eve:
- What isn’t working in my life right now?
- If I had six months to live, and I would be healthy during those six months, what would I do and with whom?
Both are revealing questions to help guide my planning for the upcoming year. My focus here is on the first question.
For many years, one of my answers to, “What isn’t working in my life?” was wanting to lose weight. I am thrilled to say I am making good progress on that front. Check out Bright Line Eating if you’re intrigued. I’ll share more about my experience in the coming months as I get closer to my goal weight. Honestly, this is the first time in many, many years that I believe I will get there.
The other topic that is high on my list is email management, or lack thereof. Email is overwhelming for me sometimes. And now I have two email accounts since I started Living ROI. The email messages I get in response to these newsletters are an exception. I LOVE those emails, so keep ‘em coming!
Other situations I’ve tolerated have been at work and in my family. I found recently that I didn’t have clear enough boundaries around how I expected some of my loved ones to treat me. It’s all in “fun,” but it was uncomfortable for me. I finally got clear about it this week and wrote down my feelings and a specific request. It has worked like magic.
What are you tolerating that if you could change or eliminate it, you would have more energy to do the things that are important to you?”
Today and tomorrow I will take the following actions to help me answer that question, and raise the quality of my life in 2019:
- I’ll make a list of anything that comes to mind when I ask that question.
- I’ll walk around my house and see what pops up–clutter, things out of place, things undone. I’ll look at my garden, in my car and consider my office at work too (since I won’t be there until next week). I’ll add to my list those things that I’ve let linger and are zapping my energy.
- I’ll think about the people in my life, at work, in my family, my extended family and my friends. Do I have people around me that are a drag on my energy? If so, I will consider talking with them or writing them a letter (as I did this week), or, if necessary, limiting the time I spend with them and taking care of myself when I do need to be with them.
- I’ll take a personal inventory of whether I’m doing the things I need to do to take care of myself—exercise, eat well, sleep enough, etc. I’ve already identified that I want to read more fiction books versus my constant stream of non-fiction. I’ve started that this holiday with the novel Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng.
- I’ll look at my list and pick the top things that I want to change, decide what needs to be done to change them and take action. It might require hiring someone to help, taking something in to be fixed or mended, having an authentic conversation and/or scheduling regular time to do the things that are good for me.
This, my friends, is how I will upgrade my life for 2019! It’s weeding my own garden of life, so the flowers can see the sun. If you are so inclined, I encourage you to do some life gardening as we enter 2019!
Wishing you a beautiful start to your year!!
Barbara Fagan-Smith
CEO, ROI Communication
Chief Catalyst, Living RO
P.S. If you’d like detailed guidance for 2019 planning, you can download my Weekly Guide for Soulful Living Journal which has an annual planning section in the front. It’s my gift to you and anyone in your circle who may be interested.