Your Regular Dose of Soul

I created Living ROI as a passion, to share my experiences and support others who want to live more authentic, joyful and fulfilling lives. In these blog posts I share my own personal journey in work and life.

what people are saying…

“Barbara curates a wealth of knowledge and brings it together in a simple framework so I can focus on my practice – get to my planning – once a week. Taking time for myself but also being efficient are super important to me and I’m able to do both with Living ROI.”

Jo, Business Owner, Mother of Two

“The constancy of coming back to my goals in the Living ROI Journal each week serves as a tuning fork for how I plan the week ahead. I am able to focus more on the things that really matter to me – and that is life changing.”

Jennifer, Entrepreneur, Mother

“Knowing how to plan or just thinking about time in a structured way allows my friends and me to get things done. When I was in college, we had a list of fun things we wanted to do, but it wasn’t until we made a plan that we were able to actually experience those things. It was just so cool – getting those “someday” items actually done!”

Emerald Smith, Recent College Grad, Daughter of Barbara Fagan

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Fire, Smoke, Air and Breath – August 5, 2018

On Tuesday I drove 340 miles north from Santa Cruz, through the most traffic-congested parts of the Bay Area, to the small mountain town of Mt. Shasta. The town is an hour’s drive north from Redding, so I thought, incorrectly, that it would be beyond and above the smoke from the massive Carr fire.

Connecting with the Earth – July 29, 2018

Do you get outside as much as you’d like to?

Last week I learned that, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American spends 93% of their life indoors. Concerning, sad and not surprising. Most people work indoors, and work takes up a lot of our waking hours. As much as I’d like to deny it, I fit into this category as well.

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